Audio Podcasts
In this session Dr. Beckie Kaczmarski sits down to talk with Father Joe Krupp about his experience with his new hearing system. Listen to find out how modern hearing technology has transformed Father Joe's life!
Doctors of Audiology discuss tinnitus (ringing in the ears). If you suffer help is available. Listen and learn some of the facts about why tinnitus occurs and how it can be dealt with. If you suffer from tinnitus you are not alone.
Brought to you by Kaczmarski Hearing Services, kaczmarskihearing.com. In this episode Dr. Beckie Kaczmarski is joined by husband Carl Kaczmarski, along with Blair Bissell and Craig Curtis from Ducks Unlimited. Ducks unlimited is a great organization and does more for the environment than you might have ever imagined. Water conservation, legacy traditions and values are what make organizations like Ducks Unlimited so important in our ever-changing world. Please listen and enjoy!
NO COST phone? Yes! you may truly qualify for a no cost phone. If you have trouble hearing on the phone, this device could change or save your life. Listen and learn more from Dr. Beckie Kaczmarski and CapTel phone representative Jennifer Weallans. No gimmicks, some things really are true! Listen and learn.
Now you might ask- why have we asked Sergeant Look and Officer Eby to join us to today? The answer is that too many people take hearing for granted. There are many reasons why hearing is so important and being able to hear the television is not the only one. Your ability to hear or communicate can greatly affect your safety and the safety of others around you. Listen and learn more about distractions, and how the Wyoming, MI Police are working hard every day to help promote a safe prosperous community for all their citizens.
Hear Better, Travel Better! Vacation Specialists at Get Away Vaca Sharon Grant and Anne Harpold visit with Dr. Kaczmarski and Sarah to discuss foreign and domestic travel opportunities. Enjoy the conversation! http://aharpold.dreamvacations.com/travel/HomePage.html
A deep discussion about technology and the benefits that modern hearing aids offer.
You think you only need one? All hearing aids are expensive? There are many myths surrounding hearing aids, listen to learn more as we separate fact and fiction.
In episode #1 we learn about Kaczmarski Hearing Services and the importance of educated Hearing Healthcare Providers. Hearing aids are not a one-size-fits-all solution.